Why Do Women?

Tyler Garay
2 min readFeb 18, 2021
Photo by Lindsey LaMont on Unsplash

Have you ever heard the phrase “Why do men?” on social media more specifically Twitter and Tik Tok? If not the phrase basically means what it mean: Why do men dot dot dot. While I’m all here for listening to women talk about why men do things we don’t like, instead lets talk about why women do things.

As a woman growing up I was often told “You can’t do that.” It began with a subtle “You can’t sit like that, girls don’t sit like that” as well as a “You can’t talk like that, girls shouldn’t use those words.” As a young impressionable girl I listened and strayed away from doing those exact things. However, later on in my life I was told more things I couldn’t do such as “You can’t dress like that, boys will get the wrong idea,” and “You can’t go out late at night, you’ll be asking for it.” Eventually the phrase “You can’t do that,” began to dominate my life. So why do women?

Before answering the previous question, you have to get down to the more frustrating question: “Why do I have to do this if men don’t?” Why do women have to try so hard to merely keep up with men while simultaneously trying to stay safe from men. This isn’t a “I hate men!” speech, rather a “Hey men, look what we have to do that you don’t! Aren’t you lucky?”

Women have to work harder to be taken seriously in the work field and while doing so we often face words like: bossy, shrew, b*tch, rude, crazy, psycho. The list goes on. However men don’t necessarily face that issue, they face the words: confident, firm, strong, leader. If a woman were to act the same way the typical “cool” man in office did, boy, would that cause havoc. Why? Men fear powerful women so to keep them down they call them these harsh words to try and lower their demeanor. It’s a bit of Catch-22 situation isn’t it? Women either face being the evil hag at work or they face being the woman everyone walks all over simply because she is a woman.

So why do women?

Women do what they want to pursue now because either way they are going to receive some sort of backlash from someone; whether it be from another man or even another woman. So, hey, might as well do something that will make you happy because at the end the day, whose happiness really matters? Yours.

Why do women? Because we want to, not because we want to do it for a man or anyone else.

